Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Blog numero dos

god damn, this site is frickin confusing, it took me forever jus to find my blog, look at it, then b able to add to it w/o creating a whole nother blog...in short, computers are not for me! maybe this is why i am a history major,  because the past is way cooler...anyways, it has taken me so long to figure out how to make a second post, that i dont even remember what i was gonna say! hmm something about study abroad...oh yeah! well,we're on Spring Break now, so ive been getting a bunch of information about what needs to be doen next...i went and got two passport-style photos, and we have to sign sone intense-looking liability thing...the only part that looks interesting is the housing questionaire,  where they help you find "conveniently located housing",but you dont get to find out where your living until you get there! doesnt that sound a little sketch? "porque le ponen tanto misterio?" (as my mom would say). 

omg,  today i was talking to my friend who goes to a "global college", she was just in Costa Rica, and just arrived in Ecuador, adn it made me so happy for her, but suuuper longing to go abroad too! idk, im just SO excited to expereince something different, and live in a new country, new culture, new people,  new fooodd mmmm....me and Rob (my other roommate) made brownies tonigth and last night and they were AMAZING..what was i talking about? oh yeah, something new! i basically cant wait, all of it, is too exciting, but it feels so surreal, and also daunting/stressful all the things i have to do beforehand. I wanna just be able to go you know? But I miss my siblings helllla!! (kinda random, kinda not). Cuz im in davis for spring break rite now (long nstory) and ill be going home in a few days, but i miss them sooo much already, and last time i saw them was about a month ago..so i cant imagine what six months is gonna be like...they are SOO funny, seriously, some of my greatest laughs have been with them. And you know those moments that are all deep when your like "wow life is amazing?" have been with them. Ahh it sounds so mushy, but they are 7 and 8, and theyre so cute and so funny, and im getting really nostalgic.......

ok, well i dont wanna writing on that note so lets seeee how can i sum everything up? (this isnt an essay, idk why im thinking so academcially aobut it). Oh yeah, i can talk about grades! (when in doubt, talk about school, wow im a square). ANYways, some final grades are up now, and so far so good! lik, im REALLLY happy with the results so far, so knock on wood the rest are just as good! what else? ok im sleepy, more to follow later.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Rebecca,

    My name is KC Owens; I’m a college student who loves to travel! While cruising the Internet, I found your site and really enjoyed reading your posts. Personally, I think traveling is a necessary part of life as you’re exposed to all sorts of new cultures and experiences. While enjoying time abroad, I've found it's crucial to fully understand the dangers that you might encounter along the way. These mishaps are part of life and certainly part of travel but it’s always a great idea to take preventive measures to help ensure your safety while abroad.

    I was hoping that you would allow me to write a post for your site to share my travel safety tips with your readers? I put a lot of time and passion into my traveling and I would love to help others by offering safety advice as a result of the mistakes and triumphs I've had. I look forward to hearing from you!


    KC Owens
