Sunday, March 8, 2009

Pre-departure Mexico City

Ok, so i know the title is a little misleading, because im not leaving for another four months maybe five depending on a certain situation which ill get into later. But even so, I thought it was a good title. Anyways, I have never written in a "blog" before, and honestly I am more than a LITTLE technologically challenged so im not sure hwo pretty its gonna look (ie whether it'll have pictures or things like that), but me and my friends thought it would be a good way to communicate our experiences since we're all going abroad at the same time. One of my roommates Shawna, is going to Turkey and the other, Haley is going to Rome. Wow, we're going to such different places! 

I think I'll say a little about the application process. Basically, it was stressful, there's no way to get around that. And i was SUCH a perfectionist, making sure I had all my papers together and doing everything waay in advance. But if you take the application piece by piece, day by day its not so bad. It was alot of paperwork just because I had to do the standard UC Davis application, as well as one for UNAM where you write a separate essay, need a letter of recommendation, and do a transcript translation. So im glad thats all done and taken care of. Im a little overwhelmed by all of the health paperwork we're going to have to get done, and some countries (mine and Shawna's) include like a separate health care that kinda sucks.

Anyways, so far I've mostl y been focused on what an exciting and new experience it will be. I can't wait to be immersed in latino culture and speak spanish regularly. plus Mexico City is HUGE, somethin glik 15 to 20 million people just in the CITY!! as my mom says "es un monstruo" ("its a monster"). But its succhh an exciting monster! haha. I visited the city for a week when i was 16, and absolutely fell in love with it. theres sooo much to do, and its really easy to get around via public transit (i mean, ill undoubtedly get lost, but even so). Another perk is there are alot of young people in the city, (ie i recall there being a ton of hot guys). I also love the University, and am reallly excited for the variety of classes they will have in my area of interest (Spanish and History of Latin America). Well, i am sure there is alot more to say, but I'm at a loss right now, plus I have to work on an essay. Enough procrastination...hasta luego!

1 comment:

  1. I don't even want to START thinking about the health applications & things... Don't we only have a couple weeks to do it after receiving that email?
